jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

new sponsor!!!!


EFX is an embedded wearable holographic technology designed to maximize performance and overall well-being by increasing balance, strength, and flexibility. EFX’s technology consists of frequencies that are highly compatible with both humans and animals on a cellular level. Because it works instantly when placed in close proximity with the body’s electromagnetic field, real time functional performance gains can often be demonstrated.
Like acupuncture, acupressure or deep therapeutic massage, we believe that placing EFX energetic dots near specific energy centers or chakras, may promote or enhance the energy flow along the main meridian channels.
We all have an energy field which surrounds and interacts with our physical body. This field responds to all influences, both external and internal. Your energy will strengthen when interacting with something that nurtures it and will weaken when exposed to disruptive influences.
The energy state of the field affects our body’s state of health. When your body is in harmony, muscles relax, blood flow increases, and relaxation replaces tension.
Most people can feel the effects of EFX by testing the body's energy field. Simple kinesiology may be used to determine the immediate change in muscle strength, balance, flexibility and range of motion. Muscle testing is the measuring of the energy response through the strength of a muscle in the body.
Simply put, EFX is designed to resonate with and tune your body’s naturally occurring bio-electric frequencies, impacting function and performance. It is not a medical device, nor is it intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease.
FEEL THE EFFECTS OF EFX:• Balance and Strength• Flexibility and Range of Motion• Focus and Awareness• Stress and Tension• Jet-lag and Motion Sickness• Recovery Time

Holographic Storage Explained
E F X W r i s t b a n d s
Silicone, Neoprene, Knit, Stainless Steel & Leather
Awareness Bracelets
EFX Technology Embedded Inside


Meridian Aid Packs


Neoprene, Terry, Silicone, Stainless


Silicone Necklace


Silicone Oval Coming Soon - Bamboo, Leather, Silver

Copyright ©2008 EFX USA. All Rights Reserved. No imagery or logos contained within this site may be used without the express permission of EFX USA.

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